الكلمات المفتاحية: English
جميع الكلمات المفتاحية المستخدمة في المقالات "English".
War on Gaza_on the Jabotinsky way
Published: at ٠٢:٠٠ مThe solution to the problem of the Jews, according to Jabotinsky, the Zionist Revisionist, was to bring about a fundamental and comprehensive change in the living conditions of the Jews.
The war on Gaza - systematic and deliberate destruction
Published: at ٠١:٣٥ مThe Zionist movement, as noted in a previous article, claimed that Palestine, which it called the "Land of Israel", is a legitimate right of the Jews.
The war on Gaza - the balance with whom?
Published: at ٠١:٢٧ مWho controls the army of the occupying power? So who controls the course of the war?