الكلمات المفتاحية: English
جميع الكلمات المفتاحية المستخدمة في المقالات "English".
War on Gaza_annihilated books too
Published: at ٠٤:٠٢ مThrough books history speaks, and with her death he becomes silent. When the Mongols invaded the city of the first civilization Baghdad led by Hulagu Khan, they burned the House of Wisdom
The war on Gaza: Has the security base collapsed?
Published: at ٠٣:٥٩ مThe occupying power used to take into account a number of foundations in its security policy against its enemies.
War On Gaza -Benjamin Netanyahu where to?
Published: at ٠٣:٥٦ مSince the beginning of 2023, the Jewish community in Israel has witnessed sharp political and social conflicts and polarization following the Prime Minister's initiation