الكلمات المفتاحية: English
جميع الكلمات المفتاحية المستخدمة في المقالات "English".
The war on Gaza - fighting the bodies of martyrs
Published: at ٠٧:٠٠ صIt is known that human beings throughout history have practiced brutal acts against their own species in their lives for the purpose of abuse and humiliation
War on Gaza_Settlement Syndrome
Published: at ٠٦:٥٧ صZionist settlement extends over the land of historic Palestine from the last quarter of the nineteenth century through the British Mandate period to the present day.
War on Gaza_Thieves of Massacres
Published: at ٠٦:٥٤ صThe year 1948 was not only a year in which the Zionist gangs looted the land of Palestine from their legitimate owners, but the members of these gangs proved that they are thieves par excellence.