الكلمات المفتاحية: English
جميع الكلمات المفتاحية المستخدمة في المقالات "English".
The war on Gaza_under the cover of the United Nations
Published: at ٠٨:٥٥ مAfter the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall, the United Nations came under the control of the United States of America and became an instrument in its hands. And when
The war on Gaza_What if the alliances collapse!
Published: at ٠٨:٥١ مThe Soviet Union was one of the first to hasten under the leadership of Stalin, who supported the partition resolution, to recognize the occupying power when it was declared. At the time, this country announced the adoption of a policy of "non-alignment".
The war on Gaza – 76 years and still in the process of formation
Published: at ٠٨:٤٨ مThe occupying power has always been the perfect model on the anomaly list as an incomplete state. Although 76 years have passed since its existence, it is still in the process of formation.