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The war on Gaza_What if the alliances collapse!

Published: at ٠٨:٥١ م

The Soviet Union was one of the first to hasten under the leadership of Stalin, who supported the partition resolution, to recognize the occupying power when it was declared. At the time, this country declared a policy of “non-alignment” with either of the two opposing blocs that emerged at the end of World War II.

However, it reneged on its promise and sided with the Western bloc. This is natural: if we search for Jewish capital, we will inevitably find it in New York and in the Western world, not in Moscow or the capitals of the communist bloc.

This bias on the part of the occupying power was a blow at that time to the Soviet Union, which not only contributed strongly to the establishment of this state, but also opposed the international trusteeship project, which was in the interest of the Palestinian people, an American project on April 20, 1948, calling for placing Palestine under the trusteeship of the United Nations in order to fill the vacuum left by the mandate.

Because the nascent state was in need of economic and military aid, which would of course come only from the Western world, it rowed with all its might to be the Western bulwark in the East.

Since this fortress is surrounded by the countries of the Arab and Islamic East, they needed to maintain military and security survival, and this will only be achieved by joining military alliances.

Without the United States of America, military superiority will guarantee it the power that preserves the security issue.

Hence, the occupying power gained the hostility of the Soviet Union, which had entered a cold war with the United States and Western European countries. This hostility persisted even after the collapse of the Soviet Union between the new Russia and America. The occupying Power was the primary beneficiary. It is because it is the state that links its survival and permanence to the continuation of the conflict between East and West.

What is important is that at the time of its establishment, this state had its strategic role met the American strategy in terms of establishing defense blocs in the Middle East against attempts at Soviet expansion.

And to maintain the security of the occupying Power by controlling the chessboard, which was the heart of this State. The stones of the patch flooded the bourgeois with luxury, lured them with chairs and pushed them to recognize the occupying power. They even have power over the vulnerable and even muzzled them through dictatorial regimes.

These luxurious stones threatened that they would be imposed on by democratic systems to allow those vulnerable to remove them. It was silent and realized that its survival was the survival of the occupying power, and thus it maintained its security from abroad. The United States has also provided military, economic, and material support with the aim of outperforming the Arabs.

On the other hand, the United States used the occupying power as a base for its weapons to ensure rapid intervention by it in the Middle East, and there are many examples of this that we cannot mention now. More importantly, U.S. control of Middle East oil.

Today, in its war on Gaza, when the occupying power adopted the biblical narrative and the Jewish monarchy that it entailed as an alternative to international law and resolutions of international legitimacy, the US Congress stood applauding Benjamin Netanyahu’s legendary claims of ownership of the land of Palestine and the historical right of the Jews to it.

How could it not, when it is the strongest and dominant ally? But what would happen if Russia and the United States were to break up and peace?

If the alliances between the occupying power and the United States collapse, especially since there are Americans who consider this country a burden rather than a fortress, and a vampire that lives on the money of its people, what will happen to this country, which after its war on Gaza became a pariah from everyone?